Upcoming move to mite.de

Hey there mite.de! After many years we were finally able to buy this domain, and are packing our bags. During the night from Friday to Saturday, February 18th, mite will move to its new home.

Of course we will automatically forward you, nobody will click into the void. Nevertheless we'd like to inform you about the upcoming changes.

Starting Saturday,

  • the address of your account will move from https://[yourTeam].mite.yo.lk/ to https://[yourTeam].mite.de/ – please update your bookmarks
  • this info website and blog will move from https://mite.yo.lk/en/ to https://mite.de/en/
  • our e-mail address will change from to

We're sorry to cause you time and effort, but do think it's worth it. Finally mite will have a home address that doesn't have to be spelled over and over again and raise eyebrows. Hey mite.de!

Update: Welcome to mite.de – olé. The move went fine, our tests are looking good. In case you happen to stumble upon a problem nevertheless: Sorry, please get in touch and tell us so.

Julia in Inside out, Tech talk

Scheduled maintenance on November 26th

During the night from Friday to Saturday, November 26th, mite will be unavailable from 1:10 AM CET for about one hour. We ask for your understanding.

During this maintenance we will deploy updates to our databases to improve speed. In particular we hope to significantly boost the page »Reports => Projects« for accounts with loads of data.

Update: Maintenance was completed successfully, our tests are looking fine. It took much longer than calculated though, mite was unavailable for 2 hours 39 minutes. But now we hope that it has been worth the effort – we're curious for the speed measurements to come. For now: good night everybody.

Julia in Tech talk

Scheduled maintenance on October 25th

Our hoster SysEleven will perform a scheduled maintenance in our primary data center in Berlin, Germany. It will take place during the night from today to tomorrow, October 25th, starting at 5:00 AM CEST. mite will be unavailable for up to 30 minutes, and slow for up to 30 more minutes. We ask for your understanding.

Update: Maintenance was completed successfully. mite was unavailable for 17 minutes. Our database servers now run on new, faster hardware.

Julia in Tech talk

mite.nano for macOS: first small update

The first update of mite.nano, our app for the macOS menu bar, is available. If the app is already installed on your Mac, a notification should pop up automatically, asking you to please restart it.

Version 1.0.2 includes regular security updates plus three little improvements of the area labeled »Last used«:

  1. mite.nano now suggests up to ten instead of only five last used time entries to pick and start a new time entry. We wanted to raise the possibility to suggest something relevant here, and ten entries should still be scannable enough.
  2. The suggestions are now sorted by customer, not by project. This should especially speed up picking an entry in case you have several projects with the same name for different customers.
  3. Every character couunts: mite.nano now makes better use of the available horizontal space. This should improve the identification of customers, projects, and services with long names.

This is a small update of mite.nano. Regarding a future bigger one, we'd like to emphasize that yes, we heard your feedback on all channels asking for a future support of notes of time entries. Thanks for telling us. Thus far, we haven't found a convincing way to realize it. But, we'll keep tinkering.

Julia in New features, Add ons

Yolk became mite

A quick announcement on our own behalf: We changed the legal name of our company, but are still the same crew. Our Yolk – Sebastian Munz & Julia Soergel GbR is now called mite GmbH, still registered in Berlin, Germany. Besides the name, nothing changed for you, it was a so-called “identity-preserving conversion”.

Comprehensibly, it used to cause some confusion why our time tracking tool is called mite but the team developing it Yolk. Now, it should be much simpler: The software mite is a service run by the mite GmbH, period. Thanks for your attention, onwards to more important things!

Julia in Inside out

Scheduled maintenance on June 6th

During the night from Sunday to Monday, June 6th, between 0:15 and 1:30 AM CEST, mite will be unavailable for up to 15 minutes.

We will switch some of our servers to new ones with up-to-date, improved services. To do this properly, we’ll have to take the app down for a couple of minutes. This update is necessary to ensure mite will continue running smoothly and safely. We ask for your understanding.

Update: Maintenance was completed as planned. mite was unavailable for two minutes. You should not notice any changes besides mite running a little faster in some cases. But in case you happen to stumble upon any problem nevertheless, please tell us in as much detail as possible so we can fix it right away.

Julia in Tech talk

Scheduled maintenance on April 5th and 6th

Our hoster SysEleven will perform scheduled maintenance in our primary data center in Berlin, Germany. The first part will take place during the night from today to tomorrow, April 5h, the second one during the following night on April 6th. Both maintenance windows will run from 0:00 until 7:00 AM CEST. During these timeframes, mite will be unavailable for a total of up to 30 minutes. We ask for your understanding.

Update: Maintenance was completed successfully. mite was unavailable for a total of 19 minutes and very slow for an additional 20 minutes.

Julia in Tech talk

mite for iPhone: first small update

There's a first update available on the App Store for our official iPhone app. Version 1.1 includes two improvements and one bugfix:

  • Swipe left or right to switch between days.
    To navigate to an earlier or future day, there were and still are arrow buttons available in the top navigation. The new gesture should make switching days even easier, and facilitate the use of the app with a single hand.
  • Pull to refresh: Drag the list of a day's time entries downward to manually update all of its data.
    Until now, you had to switch days to force a reload. The new gesture should speed up the process, and improve the app for those who use mite on several devices at the same time.
  • Minor bugfix: If you stopped the timer on a time entry outside of the app by directly switching the timer to another entry, the app didn't update the hours of the first entry correctly.

Hopefully, this update will improve mite for iPhone a little. The two new gestures have been the top user requests so far. Thanks for your numerous, constructive feedback on all channels! We are happy to hear that you appreciate the app.

Julia in New features, Add ons

mite for iPhone – our new, official app

iPhone users, prick your ears! We have a new little something to help you getting things done: mite for iPhone.

mite for iPhone - time tracking to go


mite for iPhone wishes to enable you to track your hours on the go – in a simple, fast, and convenient way.

  • When starting the app, you’ll see today’s hours at a glance. From this daily view, you can add new time entries, and edit or delete existing ones.
  • Let the timer do the tracking or add time entries manually. You can choose whether to track the mere hours or if you’d like to track starting- and ending times too.
  • Furthermore, we built-in a »Frequently used« section. Pick from your recent project/service combos to create a new time entry, fast.

mite for iPhone will cooperate smoothly with mite in your browser or on your Mac. All data are stored centrally on our servers, so mite.wherever is always up-to-date.


mite for iPhone is provided by us, and thus included in the regular user fees. The app is available in English and German language. It requires iOS 14.0 or higher.

Head over to the App Store to download the app for free.


To create this app, we were happy to rely on well-tried jokers: Daniel Rinser and Victor Saar, the developers of the (now retired) iPhone app mite.go. These two coded mite for iPhone, its concept is teamwork. Thanks so much for your solid, patient work!


mite for iPhone has been our Friday’s project for quite some months now. Despite being thoroughly tested, bugs might still creep up on uncommon setups.

In case you stumble upon a problem, please help us to fix it right away and get in touch with a detailed description. You can also send feedback from within the app. Your technical info will be included automatically then.

It would be wonderful to also hear from you what you appreciate about the app, what’s unclear to you, or what’s urgently missing.

mite for iPhone, go!

Julia in New features, Add ons

mite.nano, our new macOS app – curtain up!

Mac user? Making use of the timer feature to exactly measure your working hours? This news is for you then: Today launches mite.nano, our new small app for macOS.


mite.nano - track time with mite from your macOS menu bar

mite.nano wants to make it easier for you to track your time on a Mac. It sits in your menu bar. Whatever you’re working on, you can always keep an eye on a running timer. Double-click to stop the timer, never forget it.

mite.nano, macOS app for time tracking with mite

When clicking on mite.nano, a sleek pop-up menu will appear. Switch the timer to another time entry, create a new entry by picking from your recently used ones or by selecting another active project and service.

Furthermore, if you use mite with several teams, mite.nano lets you switch accounts easily.

mite.nano will cooperate smoothly with mite in your browser or on your smartphone. All data are stored centrally on our servers, so mite.wherever is always up-to-date.


mite.nano is developed by us (our first native app, yay!). And thus 100% included in the regular user fees for mite.

Download mite.nano for free.
mite.nano is available in English and German language. It requires macOS 10.11 (El Capitan) or higher. 161 MB.

We tested mite.nano thoroughly. Nevertheless, this is a version 1.0, so bugs might have crept in. In case you stumble upon a problem or have feedback or a suggestion, please be so kind to tell us in as much detail as possible. Please send us an email or leave a comment right here. Your support would be much appreciated.


Our thanks go to Stefan Fürst from Swiss MediaAtelier. Back in 2009, Stefan developed an add-on for mite called DynaMite, which was retired in 2019. Obviously DynaMite has been a big “inspiration” for mite.nano. Many users missed the tool so much that – with his permission – we decided to rebuild his idea from scratch. Merci vielmal, Stefan!

Julia in New features, Add ons