mite loves to track your time wherever you are: in your browser as well as on your iPhone or Mac. Plus, it's a team player: check out third-party apps that connect mite with invoicing, accounting, or project management.
mite for iPhone - official App

mite for iPhone

Tip tap done. This official app brings time tracking with mite to your iPhone. Add, stop, edit, or delete your hours on the go, fast. The app is included in the regular user fees for mite. More info & download on the App Store.

Mobile version for Android Smartphones & iPhones

mite for (all) smartphones

Android user, or simply tired of yet another app? Track your hours with the mobile version of mite, optimized for small displays. Simply point the browser of your smartphone to the login address of your account. You won't have to download anything.

mite.nano - the little app for time tracking on your Mac

mite for Mac

mite.nano is the official app for mite on macOS. It sits right in the menu bar, so you can always keep an eye on the timer. Click it to add new time entries or switch the timer. The app is included in the user fees for mite. More info & download.

Third-party apps


macOS: Fluid turns your favorite web apps into real desktop applications, dock icon included.

mite.desk: mite.client for Windows

Windows: mite.desk, an open source client by 69°, weaves time tracking into your Windows desktop.

mite.cmd: a simple command-line interface for mite

mite.cmd is a true command-line interface for mite, developed by Lukas Rieder.

Connected invoicing apps


Online accounting software Billomat imports time entries tracked with mite into invoices.


Online invoicing and accounting tool sevDesk imports time entries from mite.


Web-based invoicing tool SalesKing imports time entries on a per project basis.


macOS: GrandTotal, the invoicing application for your Mac, imports time entries tracked with mite.

Connected time trackers

memtime - automatic time tracker

memtime (macOS & Windows) automatically records how much time you spent in each program.

Connected bug trackers & ticketing tools


Track your time on issues in Mantis, a free bug tracker, thanks to a plugin developed by Thomas Klein.


In Redmine, the open source bug tracker, time can be tracked on issues via Redmine2mite by Thomas Klein.


Trac2mite by Thomas Klein enables time tracking on tickets in Trac, the popular open source bug tracker.

Developers welcome!

Want to hook up another tool? Our open data interface, the mite.api, is looking forward to your ideas.