Today's server hiccup

Today, between 13:16 and 13:29 CET, mite threw loads of errors. The application could be accessed successfully. Time entries and other data could be read and exported smoothly. But, it was not possible during these 13 minutes to create, edit, or delete time entries, customers, projects, services, or users. Our apologies for this service interruption!

The reason for this hiccup was a configuration error on our side that slipped through. Our monitoring systems warned us immediately, and many users alerted us. Thus we immediately knew that something was wrong, and could fix the bug quickly. But, we are quite unsatisfied with us. Again: We are sorry.

Julia in Tech talk

Yesterday's service interruption

mite has been unavailable yesterday evening, January 13th, starting at 20:05 CET. Most users could access our service again 13 minutes later at 20:18 CET. After 54 minutes, at 20:59 CET, all requests could be served successfully again. Our apologies for this service interruption!

The reason for the downtime was a malfunction in our main data center, run by SysEleven in Berlin, Germany. A hardware node failed. Two of our servers had to be restored from a backup. mite is prepared for such problems. Redundant servers are always running in parallel. We redirected traffic to these, and could therefore limit the downtime to a quarter hour for most users. All requests could be handled once the servers had been restored. Once again: Our apologies for the interruption. At the same time, we'd like to thank the team in the data center for their fast support.

Julia in Tech talk

Scheduled maintenance on March 19th and 20th

Our hoster SysEleven will perform scheduled maintenances in our primary data center in Berlin, Germany. They will take place during the nights from Monday to Tuesday, March 19th, and to Wednesday, March 20th, between 0:00 and 7:00 AM CET. During these timeframes mite will be unavailable for up to 30 minutes. We ask for your understanding.

Update: Maintenance was completed successfully. mite was unavailable for 19 minutes.

Julia in Tech talk

Scheduled maintenance on June 15th

We will perform a scheduled maintenance during the night from today to tomorrow, June 15th, between 0:00 and 1:00 AM CEST. During this timeframe mite will be unavailable for up to 15 minutes. We ask for your understanding.

Update: Maintenance was completed successfully. mite was taking a break for less than 2 minutes.

Julia in Tech talk

Scheduled maintenance on June 6th and 7th

Our hoster SysEleven will perform scheduled maintenances in our primary data center in Berlin, Germany. They will take place during the nights from Monday to Tuesday, June 6th, and to Wednesday, June 7th, between 0:00 and 7:00 AM CEST. During these timeframes mite will be unavailable for up to 30 minutes. We ask for your understanding.

Update: Maintenance was completed successfully. mite was taking a break for 12 minutes.

Julia in Tech talk

Today’s service interruption

Between 14:47 und 15:28 CEST, mite was unavailable for many users. In the beginning of the affected time frame, about 5% of all requests could not be fulfilled, at the peak about 40% could not be handled successfully.

No data has been damaged. Nevertheless this interruption had a negative effect besides the unavailablility: We had to log-out all users, so everybody has to log-in once again.

The problem was on us, not our hoster. Right now, we are still investigating, we do not know exactly yet which processes blocked each other. We are very sorry for this interruption. Especially during working hours this is more than annoying. The last downtime has been several years ago ago. But, each interruption is one too many. Again: please excuse us.

Julia in Tech talk

Upcoming move to

Hey there! After many years we were finally able to buy this domain, and are packing our bags. During the night from Friday to Saturday, February 18th, mite will move to its new home.

Of course we will automatically forward you, nobody will click into the void. Nevertheless we'd like to inform you about the upcoming changes.

Starting Saturday,

  • the address of your account will move from https://[yourTeam] to https://[yourTeam] – please update your bookmarks
  • this info website and blog will move from to
  • our e-mail address will change from to

We're sorry to cause you time and effort, but do think it's worth it. Finally mite will have a home address that doesn't have to be spelled over and over again and raise eyebrows. Hey!

Update: Welcome to – olé. The move went fine, our tests are looking good. In case you happen to stumble upon a problem nevertheless: Sorry, please get in touch and tell us so.

Julia in Inside out, Tech talk

Scheduled maintenance on November 26th

During the night from Friday to Saturday, November 26th, mite will be unavailable from 1:10 AM CET for about one hour. We ask for your understanding.

During this maintenance we will deploy updates to our databases to improve speed. In particular we hope to significantly boost the page »Reports => Projects« for accounts with loads of data.

Update: Maintenance was completed successfully, our tests are looking fine. It took much longer than calculated though, mite was unavailable for 2 hours 39 minutes. But now we hope that it has been worth the effort – we're curious for the speed measurements to come. For now: good night everybody.

Julia in Tech talk

Scheduled maintenance on October 25th

Our hoster SysEleven will perform a scheduled maintenance in our primary data center in Berlin, Germany. It will take place during the night from today to tomorrow, October 25th, starting at 5:00 AM CEST. mite will be unavailable for up to 30 minutes, and slow for up to 30 more minutes. We ask for your understanding.

Update: Maintenance was completed successfully. mite was unavailable for 17 minutes. Our database servers now run on new, faster hardware.

Julia in Tech talk

Scheduled maintenance on June 6th

During the night from Sunday to Monday, June 6th, between 0:15 and 1:30 AM CEST, mite will be unavailable for up to 15 minutes.

We will switch some of our servers to new ones with up-to-date, improved services. To do this properly, we’ll have to take the app down for a couple of minutes. This update is necessary to ensure mite will continue running smoothly and safely. We ask for your understanding.

Update: Maintenance was completed as planned. mite was unavailable for two minutes. You should not notice any changes besides mite running a little faster in some cases. But in case you happen to stumble upon any problem nevertheless, please tell us in as much detail as possible so we can fix it right away.

Julia in Tech talk