Monetary project budget

Monetary project budget

Are your projects staying on budget? mite offers a very simple way to help you track that crucial information at a glance: once you specified the total max. budget of a project, a visual budget status bar will show up in your reports that informs you about the amount of remaining hours.

This feature has been around for a long time. From today on, you’ll have the option to not only track your budget in hours, but in dollars or any other currency as well.

Thanks to all users who made their voice heard and requested this feature! We surely hope that this alternative will help you staying on budget.

Julia in New features

Open Source Issue Tracking Systems in desperate need of a mite.plugin?

[Update, 2nd August] Survey closed. Thanks for your input! The results are: Trac, Mantis and Redmine.

My name is Thomas Klein and I’m currently studying Computer Science & Media at the BHT Berlin (Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin). For my final exam, lasting for three months, I’m dealing with the connection of open source issue tracking systems and mite via plugins.

The term »issue tracking system« has many synonyms and covers therefore a wide variety of software. In my perception, an issue tracking system should at least support the processes

  1. Create a ticket and assign it to a person
  2. Edit the ticket and give feedback
  3. Mark the ticket as solved

Due to the limited time I will focus only on web-based open source issue tracking systems, having each:

  • a good documentation
  • an API
  • a repository of plugins for my reference
  • a programming language not to difficult to learn for me in the limited time

Now it’s up to you: Take part on this survey with only 3 questions to affect my implementation ranking of the remaining issue tracking systems. Additionally you can provide some feature requests for the mite.plugins. Based on the results and your recommendations I will implement a mite.plugin for the first 2-3 issue tracking systems.

Let’s get rolling!

If you have any questions or comments regarding my thesis or the survey feel free to contact me on Twitter.

Thomas in New features, Add ons, Let's discuss

memento: Undo à la mite

Undo was one of the first commands I learned – and learned to love – when getting my hands on my first computer. NO, I didn’t really mean to delete this Monkey Island cheat sheet! For sure, this command saves all of us, day by day, right? Thus, I’m really happy to experience that this feature, long-serving in desktop software, is heading to the web as well – slowly but surely.

Here at mite, undo has been around for accidentally deleted objects for almost a year now. That’s a good first step, but we wanted to push this even further: as of today, undo is everywhere. Just click the undo link in the info message that fades in right after you deleted, edited, archived or activated a customer, project, service or user. If you changed the date of a time entry or duplicated it, undo is on your side as well.

memento, the Undo RubyGem, in action

To help spread undo on the web, we open sourced the corresponding code: memento is a small RubyGem for Rails/ActiveRecord that covers destroy, update and create. Are you a Rails developer? Help yourself as well as your users and grab memento at GitHub.

Julia in New features

Say hello to mite.cmd, a simple command-line interface for mite

Developers, admins, passionate nerds: If you’re a real command-line lover, tracking your daily working hours will change a great deal from today on. Lukas Rieder, a freelancer based in Berlin, developed a command-line interface for mite: mite.cmd.

With mite.cmd, you may add time entries, control your timers and generate simple personal reports, right within the terminal, without ever moving your hands away from the keyboard.

mite.cmd, a simple command-line interface for the time tracking tool mite

What’s really great about mite.cmd is that it’s developed with the strengths, but also the weaknesses of the terminal in mind. Lukas didn’t only make the default input options available via this text-only interface. He thought deeply about how to save key strokes and therefore implemented additional syntaxes that are smart, simple and don’t require a lot of typing. Furthermore, mite.cmd comes with a handy autocomplete (and one of the most amusing launch posts I stumbled upon in a while).

On top of that, Lukas put the code of mite.cmd on GitHub, open for all interested developers to improve it. Thank you so much, Lukas! We like your hairstyle, too!

Julia in New features, Add ons

Domain name problem affecting user subset

[Update: June 10th, 7:25 a.m.] The regular domain * which was erroneously suspended is now working again. You should be able to access your mite.account under its standard URL. As a matter of course, your data was safe at every moment.

It could take some time for DNS servers all over the world to reflect the unsuspension. If you cannot access your account by now, please continue accessing mite via the emergency domain. We are deeply sorry for these problems, even if we were not responsible directly for them. We know that you depend on mite. We will do everything possible to gain your trust again. Sorry.

Since this afternoon, some users are experiencing problems accessing their account. Our servers are up and running, but there is a problem with our DNS entry. If you happen to be affected, we want to apologize first of all!

We set up an alternative domain, under which you can access your account:

All your data will be waiting there for you, of course. If you create new time entries or any other data, it will be accessible again, as soon as the regulair domain address is available again.

Unfortunately, SSL is not available on this backup domain. Please access mite through HTTP as long as we are working to get the domain working again.

We will get back to you via mail with detailed information. At the moment, we assume that a service provider became insolvent and took our DNS entry with him. We’ll keep updating via Twitter.

We are terribly sorry for these problems. Please stay with us!

Julia in Tech talk

Smarter time input: time frames & basic math

The very heart of mite is a simple input field to enter the hours you have been working. This field got smart today! From now on, you can not only specify the bare number of the hours there, but also a time frame featuring a starting and ending time, a sum or a product.

If you enter a time frame, mite will calculate the hours and save the starting time as well as the ending time as a note, so you’ll be able to keep that information for later reference.

Time input: time frame with starting and ending time

This additional note can be manipulated directly. E.g. if you set back the ending time later on, the hours of your time entry will be re-calculated.

All in all, those are the possible options to enter times with mite:

1:30 or 1.5 or 1,5
for 1 hour 30 minutes

Time frame
8 to 13:30 or 8am 1:30pm
for a time frame from 8:00 to 13:30.

Sum or difference
2+0:15 or 2-0:15
for 2 hours plus or minus 15 minutes

Product or quotient
2*1.5 or 2/1.5
for 2 hours multiplied or divided by 1.5

Quickstart timer
0:00 or a blank field
creates a time entry with a running timer

Please let us know how the updates are working out for you! We’d like to improve, to provide you with even better input options.

In particular, we’d love to learn about your view on whether we should add an option to create a time entry with a running timer, that features the starting time of the later time frame as a note – say: an option that merges time frames with the quickstart of the timer. If so: what syntax would you like to use? So far, we’re thinking about a simple now or 0:00+.

Julia in New features


Between 16:01 and 17:29 this Sunday afternoon, mite was down for all users due to a power interruption in our data center. We are terribly sorry for this interruption of the service! This shouldn’t happen. We’ll continue to look into the issue, together with the very capable people in Munich maintaining the infrastructure, to prevent something like this to happen again. Again: we are sorry for the inconvenience. Please stay with us.

Julia in Tech talk

Ticking timer hint

Did I stop that timer or is it still ticking? We want you to be able to answer this questions at a glance. That’s why we integrated an additional hint that shows up on every single page when there is a timer running.

Hint: ticking timer

The new hint is displayed in the upper right-hand corner. It is linked to the day on which the timer is running, so you can get there to stop it with a single click.

Furthermore, a hint is displayed in the page title of your browser. Even when surfing the web with a crowd of open tabs, you can detect a running timer as well as the time measured so far in no time.

Julia in New features

Shared reports: extra display options

With mite, you might share the report of a project with a third party in a very easy way. By activating the appropriate option on a single report, you will be given a private link. Hand this link to any person you want to be informed about the status of the project – as simple as that. Your customer, project manager or whoever will then be able to view the corresponding time entries. Even without his or her own mite.account.

We launched this feature in September 08. Today, we added the option to specify exactly what you want to show up in the shared report. Now, you can choose if you want the revenue as well as the user names to be displayed. Decide for yourself how much transparency should be added to your projects!

Shared Reports: extra display options

Thanks to Hagen, Jörg, Lucas, Jürgen and other users for suggesting this feature. Keep the feedback coming!

Julia in New features

Polished backend engine

Some minutes ago, we pushed an update of the underlying application framework. If you cannot notice anything working differently, we’ll put our thumbs up. Yes, the update speeds up mite a little bit and will help us maintaining the app, but it doesn’t feature changes on a functional level.

Nonetheless, if you happen to stumble upon a bug, please tell us so we can fix it right away. Send us an e-mail which describes the ‘corpus delicti’ as detailed as possible. And don’t forget to include your browser and operating system. Thanks!

Julia in Tech talk