Freedom for mite.desk

mite.desk, the windows client for mite developed by 69°‘s Thomas Bandt in 2009, is free now: it’s available on GitHub under a free licence. If you’re a user, you can download it for free. If you’re a developer, you can improve, extend, built-on, or learn from it as you wish.

Thanks for your great decision, Thomas! We really appreciate it. It’s fair, wise, and awesome to open source a project instead of silently shutting it down, in case one does not have the time or energy to maintain it anymore. Fingers crossed for you, mite.desk: hopefully, you’ll meet some kind developers who wish to grant you a second life.

Julia in Add ons

Meet Clockson, the new iPhone app for mite

Hear hear, iPhone users: There’s a new app to track your time on the go, Clockson!

Time tracking on the iPhone with Clockson

NinjaConcept, a software studio from Germany, initially developed the app for themselves. Now, they released the app into the wild, so all other mite.users can track their time via Clockson, too. Besides manually adding your hours, you can let the timer do the tracking. In the footer of the app, you can see at a glance how many hours you already worked on the current day, the current week, or the current month. Clockson is a simple yet helpful app with a fresh, clean look.

Clockson is available on the App Store for free, and will remain free for the near future.

Please note: Clockson communicates with your mite.account through the mite.api, our open data interface. You’ll have to allow API access for your account first, so the app will be able to work properly. Click on your user name in the upper right-hand corner of mite to allow API access.

If you give Clockson a try, please be so kind to take a minute to leave a review on the App Store, or a comment right here. You’ll not only support the Ninjas in improving their app, but you’ll also help other users with your opinion. Thanks in advance for your feedback—and thanks to the Ninjas for your dedication!

Julia in Add ons

Updated background engines

Since last night, mite is running on a new version of its underlying application framework. Starting at 1am (CEST), we took mite offline for about 15 minutes to deploy the update and perform some database migrations.

If you cannot notice anything working differently, we put our thumbs up. Yes, the update speeds up mite a little bit and will help us maintaining it, but it did not change anything on a feature level. Nevertheless, if you happen to stumble upon a bug, please tell us so we can fix it right away. Send us a detailed e-mail which includes information on your browser version. Thanks!

Julia in Tech talk

Security update: Heartbleed

The Heartbleed bug is a vulnerability in OpenSSL that was disclosed on Monday night, April 7th (CEST). OpenSSL is a very popular cryptographic software library. Approximately two thirds of all servers use it to encypt Internet traffic. The Heartbleed weakness could have been exploited by attackers to eavesdrop on communications, steal data, and compromise secret keys of SSL certificates.

Here at mite, we used and are using OpenSSL, too. Today, we want to tell you in detail how we reacted to Heartbleed, when, and which actions we took to secure your data. This information comes a little late. We are sorry about that. On the technical side, we were so much faster! You could rely on us, and you can rely on us in the future, too.

  • We learned about Heartbleed on Tuesday morning, 9:20am.
  • As soon as a security patch was available for our systems, we started to install them. At 12:02am, all of our servers were successfully patched.
  • As a measure of precaution, we requested a new SSL certificate with new keys. We rebooted all servers. Since 12:24am, they use the new certificate. As the certificate was re-issued by DigiCert Inc, you won’t see this new validation date, don’t let this fool you.
  • We changed all of our passwords on all systems.
  • Tonight, we will invalidate all cookies. You will have to log-in again.

Better safe than sorry, so please change your passwords for mite, too. Click on your user name in the upper right-hand side to do that.

OpenSSL is widespread, and Heartbleed thus affected lots of services. Please think about changing your password for other services, too, especially webmail services. You can check whether or not a service is patched thanks to services such as this one. If so, check if the certificate is a new one, or ask if it was re-issued. Then, change your password.

Thanks for your attention. Now back to work!

Julia in Tech talk

Recurring project budgets

Machinery needs a little bit of grease every now and then, software an update, and a home a cleaning. Some projects lack the one big final »Done!«—and a feature to budget them smoothly in mite. E.g., if you agreed with your client on maintaining a project for 20 hours a month, you had to add a new project every single month to keep a keen eye on its budget.

No more! You can now set a monthly budget for a project, too. As usually, you can budget in hours or euro or another currency. Simply choose the brand spanking new option »hours per month« or »euros per month«, when adding or editing a project on the tab »Projects«.

Set a monthly budget for a project

mite will then display the percentual useage of the monthly budget and the remaining or exceeded hours or euros in all the familiar places. If the budget exceeds 75%, it will show up on your dashboard report as ‘critical’. Budgets will always be displayed on »Reports => Projects« and on project reports, including possible shared reports.

Project report: budget status of the current month

The project report of active projects will show the budget status of the current month in the upper right-hand corner. The report of archived projects will show the budget average instead.

Project report of an active project: budget status for all months

Click on »Show all months« to have a thorough look at the historical budget data, starting with the first month you tracked a time entry on.

If you did not track any time entries at all on a given month, the average will be calculated excluding this month. Add a time entry with 0:00 to force mite to include an easy-going month in the average.

Hopefully, this update will help you to manage recurring budgets more smoothly. We’d love to hear some feedback. Give it a try and tell us how it’s working for you. Thanks!

Julia in New features

Migrating to SEPA direct debit

Here at mite, we’re migrating to the new European payment standard SEPA, too. Although this affects you only a little bit, we have to and want to let you know about all upcoming adjustments that will become effective on February 1st, 2014.

If you pay user fees per direct debit from a German bank account, we will start SEPA direct debiting your bank account as of February 1st. Your account number and the bank code will become IBAN and BIC. We already converted your bank information for you. Nevertheless, please have a look at the tab »Account => Payment« and double-check. You can find your IBAN and BIC on your bank statement.

For now, paying user fees for mite via direct debit continues to be available for German bank accounts only. As soon as our payment partners will implement direct debit for other SEPA countries, we’ll consider this enhancement too, yes of course.

Due to SEPA, we also updated our Terms of Service. We only adjusted §6 Payment/Invoice. The term »direct debit« now reads »SEPA direct debit«. And we added a single phrase: »The pre-notification period of a SEPA direct debit is shortened to 1 day.«.

Our updated ToS will become effective on February 1st, 2014. Please find them right here. If you do not object within six weeks in textual form (e.g. via e-mail), you accept our updated ToS. Should you object, we’re entitled to terminate and end our contract on February 1st, 2014.

Thanks for your attention. Now back to more important things!

Julia in Inside out, Tech talk

Still using IE7? Please update!

mite will end official support of the Internet Explorer 7 on September 12th. We won’t optimize and fix for this browser version anymore.

If you’re still using IE7, please update soon—on version 8 at least, or, better, on the current version 10. A free update is available directly from Microsoft. Or, switch to a current version of Mozilla’s Firefox browser, or Google’s Chrome.

Internet Explorer 7 was released in October 2006. Seven years ago, aka 42 cat or Internet years. In the meantime, browsers improved big time. They got faster and more secure. We have to work around the constraints of IE7 during every single update. Sometimes, we even developed special slimmed-down versions of a feature. We’d like to put this time to a better use, so all users benefit. Better browsers are available, and, luckily, ~99,3% of all mite.users do run them. Dear 0,3%: Please update now. Other sites will be grateful for that, too, and will show their gratitude with a smoother behavior. Thanks!

Julia in Tech talk

Planscope project management integrates with mite

The web-based project management tool Planscope now integrates with mite. When you start a timer on a task in Planscope, or add a time entry manually, this time will show up in mite too. Thanks to the integration, you won’t have to add any more time entries twice.

Project management tool Planscope integrates with mite

Projects in Planscope can be bundled with projects in mite. Also, you can define a service to which time entries in mite will be assigned. The title of the task in Planscope will be referenced as a note of each time entry in mite. There’s a short video on Planscope’s blog which shows the integration in action.

This new integration was developed and will be taken care of by Planscope. Thanks a lot for your time and effort, Brennan and team!

Julia in Add ons

Changeable logins

Every mite.account is available under its own, unique URL. When you sign-up for a new account, you choose this personal login. E.g., if your login is »myteam«, you log-in at

You can now change this login—which can be handy if you rename your company for example. The owner of the account and administrators can find this new feature under the tab »Account«.

If you change the login of your account, the renamed account will be at your service under its new address immediately. Please inform your team about the update, so nobody will get lost. Also, the URLs of any shared reports will change. Thus, please let your clients know, too. Thanks!

Julia in New features

Copy time entries as a template

Working days often differ strongly in detail, but follow a similar basic structur. At some moment of the day, we usually check our mails, take care of administrative issues, get our team on the same page in a meeting, and push forward our current project.

From today on, you won’t have to add the same time entries from the ground up every single day. Instead, mite will be happy to help you kickstart your day. With a single click, you can now copy last working day’s time entries as a template for the current day.

Copy last working day's entries as a template

If you select a day without time entries, you’ll see a link on the white content area which says »Copy last working day’s entries as a template«. When you click on it, mite will duplicate the project and service of these time entries, delete their notes, and reset their hours. Now, you can start the timer on any of these template entries, or edit their hours directly.

If you don’t need one or several of the copied time entries on the current day, simply delete them. The last working day is the last day on which you added at least one time entry. Time entries with archived projects and/or services won’t get copied. Of course, you can manually add more time entries to the copied ones. The time tracking features you’re accustomed with won’t change at all.

We hope so much that this new feature will help you save some precious time, day by day! Please tell us how the update is working out for you. Constructive feedback is super-important for improving mite. Thanks!

Julia in New features