May 4, 2016
Updated backend engine
Since yesterday night, mite is running on an updated version of its underlying application framework. Furthermore, we deployed some small fixes, e.g. performance improvements for users with a very high number of active customers and projects.
Deploying such updates is a routine job as a mite.caretaker. We document yesterday’s update here today because it temporarily introduced a bug. Fortunately, several users let us know immediately.
We have fixed the error as well as its temporary effects in the meantime. But we don’t want to sweep such problems under the rug, but instead inform you in detail about what went wrong and how we dealt with it. You should be able to count on that.
So here we go: We deployed the update yesterday evening at 19:42 CEST. If you locked a time entry thereafter, or edited it via bulk edit, or started or stopped the timer on it, its revenue was set to zero, so its correct hourly rate didn’t take effect. We fixed this bug with another update tonight at 1:58 CEST. Then, we fixed the revenue of all time entries that had been edited since 19:42 and had been affected by the bug. We finished these fixes tonight at 4:08 CEST. So the error is fixed, and all data is correct again. But if you edited time entries between yesterday evening, 19:42 CEST, and tonight, 4:08 CEST, and exported them right away, we’d like to advise you to nevertheless double-check their exported hourly rates and revenue.
An undocumented change in mite’s underlying application framework caused the bug. Of course, we run automated as well as manual tests before each and every update. But unfortunately, we did not catch this one. Thus, we’re already extending our testing procedures.
We are so sorry. And we don’t treat this lightly, you can be sure about that.
Please get in touch with as much details as possible via e-mail if you happen to stumble upon any other problem, so we can get rid of it it right away. We won’t back down from our ambition to keep mite bug free!
Julia in Tech talk