November 17, 2015
Remodeled Excel export
At the tab »Reports => Time entries« and optionally on shared reports, you can export time entries to Excel, and at »Reports => Projects«, projects. We remodeled these export features. Until now, mite generated Excel-specific XML. Now, mite generates XSLX.
Techie lingo aside, this update should ensure one thing: a stable, smooth export of your data. In current versions of Excel as well as, hopefully, in future ones.
Please tell us if the new export format does not work smoothly for you, and specify the exact version you’re running. We tested the new export on Windows on Excel 2016 and 2013, on Mac OS on Excel 2016, 2013, 2011, Numbers 3.6, OpenOffice 4, and LibreOffice 5, as well as on Excel Online.
Julia in Tech talk