Today’s service interruption

Since 14:05 CEST, mite is not available due to a problem in our primary data center. We’re terribly sorry, please, excuse us! We’ll do everything to get mite up and running again as soon as possible. Please visit Twitter to get the newest information on this issue, we’ll update continuously.

Update: Since 14:51 CEST, mite is available and at your service again. Of course, your data was safe anytime. You can always rely on that.

The interruption occured because of a network/DNS problem in our main data center. We’ll discuss it in-detail with our hoster soon, and try to come up with improvements. Again: we are so sorry for this downtime!

Update: The network problems were caused by a line fault in the greater Berlin area which resulted in large parts of the Internet at the internet exchange node BCIX not being reachable. Thus, our hoster has diverted traffic to another node. Since then, mite has been available and stable again.

Julia in Tech talk