- Introduction
- Supported formats
- HTTP verbs
- Tools
- Authentication
- Set your user agent
- Reading resources
- Writing resources
- HTTP status codes
- Client errors
- Conditional requests
- Libraries
- Open source examples
Our mite.api is designed around the principles of REST. It has predictable, resource oriented URIs that you interact with using HTTP verbs, and we use HTTP response codes to indicate API errors.
All API access is over HTTPS, and accessed from an account specific domain:
We'll use demo as our account name and subdomain from here on; please replace it with the accurate subdomain of your own account.
Supported formats
We support JSON and XML to send and receive data. We generally prefer and recommend to use JSON: it is more compact on the wire and our servers are able to generate it much faster.
Specify the format as a suffix to the URL; the HTTP header Accept is not supported:
All dates and timestamps in JSON and XML are represented in ISO 8601 format:
Timestamps always reflect the time zone of your account.
HTTP verbs
You can use the following HTTP verbs to interact with the mite.api:
HEAD | Can be issued against any resource to get just the HTTP header info without the body. |
GET | Used for retrieving resources. |
POST | Used for creating resources. |
PATCH | Used for updating resources with partial data. PATCH is a relatively new and uncommon HTTP verb, so resource endpoints also accept PUT requests for backward compatibility. |
DELETE | Used for deleting resources. |
With a regular browser, you can only read resources. Because Firefox is able to display XML data inline, it is perfect for that task. To display JSON inline we recommend to install the add-on JSONView.
To use all features of the mite.api, we recommend a command line tool such as cURL or the more "human-friendly" HTTPie.
Not familiar with the command line? You might want to have a look at the Firefox add-on RESTClient, or the Google Chrome extension Rest Console.
You won't have to setup a special user to use the API. Every existing mite.user can activate the API in his or her user settings: Please click on your user name in the upper right-hand corner of the mite.interface. Check the corresponding checkbox there, and save this edit. You'll then get your personal API key by clicking the corresponding link.
There are two ways to authenticate: You can either use your regular user credentials that you specify when logging in with your browser. Or you can use your personal API key.
Important: For safety reasons, we strongly recommend to use the API key whenever possible. Your password should only be used with simple throw-away scripts and similar.
With e-mail and password
Enter your regular user credentials (email and password) per HTTP basic. A pretty simple example using curl:
curl -u you@mail.com:YOUR_PASSWORD \ https://demo.mite.de/projects.json
curl -u you@mail.com:YOUR_PASSWORD \ https://demo.mite.de/projects.xml
Please replace the subdomain 'demo' with the accurate subdomain of your account throughout the following examples.
With the API key
To authenticate using your API key, you can either send it as HTTP header X-MiteApiKey:
curl -H 'X-MiteApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' \ https://demo.mite.de/projects.json
curl -H 'X-MiteApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' \ https://demo.mite.de/projects.xml
or for GET-requests as paramter api_key:
curl https://demo.mite.de/projects.json?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY
curl https://demo.mite.de/projects.xml?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY
Set your user agent
Please set the User-Agent HTTP header for all of your requests. The header should include the name of your application or script, and a link or e-mail address, so we can get in touch in case there are any problems. Bonus points for including the used library including its version number. Here's an example:
User-Agent: mite.app/v1.1 (https://github.com/yolk); mite-rb/0.5.3
This may become a requirement in the future. To design your agent future-proof, please set the user-agent header in each and every client.
Reading resources
By using the HTTP verb GET, resources can be read either in list form or as a single resource.
Single resource
To read a single resource, the URL has to be composed of the path of the resource and the id of the resource:
curl -v -H 'X-MiteApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' \ https://demo.mite.de/services/1.json
curl -v -H 'X-MiteApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' \ https://demo.mite.de/services/1.xml
List of resources
A list can be read by using the path of the resources:
curl -v -H 'X-MiteApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' \ https://demo.mite.de/services.json
curl -v -H 'X-MiteApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' \ https://demo.mite.de/services.xml
If your request was interpreted successfully, you will receive a HTTP status code of 200 OK as well as the requested resource in JSONXML format.
Writing resources
By using the HTTP methods POST, PATCH and DELETE, data can be written in JSON or in XML.
Please note: You MUST set the format used in your request body for every writing request with the HTTP header Content-Type. In case of JSONXML set the header to application/jsonxml.
Create a resource
curl -v -X POST \ -H 'X-MiteApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"service":{"name":"Coding"}}' \ https://demo.mite.de/services.json
curl -v -X POST \ -H 'X-MiteApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ -d '<service><name>Coding</name></service>' \ https://demo.mite.de/services.xml
This request will create a new resource by using POST – in this example a new service named 'Coding'. If your request was interpreted successfully, you will receive a status code of 201 Created, a Location header pointing to the resource, as well as the complete resource in the response body.
Update a resource
A resource that already exists can be edited by using the PATCH method:
curl -v -X PATCH \ -H 'X-MiteApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"service":{"name":"Quality assurance"}}' \ https://demo.mite.de/services/1.json
curl -v -X PATCH \ -H 'X-MiteApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \ -d '<service><name>Quality assurance</name></service>' \ https://demo.mite.de/services/1.xml
If the update was successful, you will receive a status code of 200 OK.
Delete a resource
You can delete a resource in a similar way by using the DELETE method. You won't have to send any data in the request body of course – this also means you can skip the Content-Type-header:
curl -v -X DELETE -H 'X-MiteApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' \ https://demo.mite.de/services/1.json
curl -v -X DELETE -H 'X-MiteApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' \ https://demo.mite.de/services/1.xml
If the resource was deleted successfully, you will receive a status code of 200 OK as well.
HTTP status codes
Here, you'll find a list of all HTTP status codes the mite.api returns, and how to interpret them. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that resulted from the provided information (e.g. a required parameter was missing, a condition failed, etc.), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with our servers.
200 OK | Everything worked as expected. |
201 Created | Resource was succesfully created. |
400 Bad Request | Often a malformatted request body. |
401 Unauthorized | Missing or wrong API key. |
403 Forbidden | The authenticated user is not allowed to perform this request. Maybe the user has only the role of a time tracker? |
404 Not Found | Resource was not found. Requests that require a special role will return 404 Not Found, instead of 403 Forbidden, in some places. This is to prevent the accidental leakage of sensible information to unauthorized users. |
406 Not Acceptable | The requested format is not supported. Please use JSON or XML instead. |
422 Unprocessable Entity | Often missing required attributes. |
423 Locked | You are trying to modify a locked time entry. |
500, 502, 503 Server Error | Something went wrong on our end. Try to repeat the request later or file a bug if the error persists. |
Client errors
In most cases you will be able to interpret the cause of an error from the returned HTTP status code. For further details the mite.api will additionally return an error resource in the response body as well. Some examples:
Using a wrong and non-existing account name for the domain in the request:
{ "error": "Whoops! We couldn't find your account 'unknown'." }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <errors> <error>Whoops! We couldn't find your account 'unknown'.</error> </errors>
Using the wrong or no authentication credentials:
{ "error": "Access denied. Please check your credentials." }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <errors> <error>Access denied. Please check your credentials.</error> </errors>
Missing a required attribute when updating or creating a resource:
{ "error": "Please name your project." }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <errors> <error>Please name your project.</error> </errors>
Requesting an already deleted resource:
{ "error": "The record does not exist." }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <errors> <error>The record does not exist.</error> </errors>
Using malformatted JSONXML in the request body:
{ "error": "Your submitted data is not valid JSON: 795: unexpected token at '{\"service: {}}'" }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <errors> <error>Your submitted data is not valid XML: Start tag expected, '<' not found</error> </errors>
Conditional requests
Most responses return an ETag HTTP header. You can use the value of these headers to make subsequent requests to the same resource using the If-None-Match header. If the resource has not changed, the server will return a 304 Not Modified. This can be especially useful when you need to repeatedly access huge lists of resources.
$ curl -i https://demo.mite.de/services/1.json HTTP/1.1 200 OK ETag: W/"883112cb2ba78a99e4e562de2a6dd305" {...} $ curl -i https://demo.mite.de/services/1.json \ -H 'If-None-Match: W/"883112cb2ba78a99e4e562de2a6dd305"' HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified ETag: W/"883112cb2ba78a99e4e562de2a6dd305" {...}
$ curl -i https://demo.mite.de/services/1.xml HTTP/1.1 200 OK ETag: W/"883112cb2ba78a99e4e562de2a6dd305" {...} $ curl -i https://demo.mite.de/services/1.xml \ -H 'If-None-Match: W/"883112cb2ba78a99e4e562de2a6dd305"' HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified ETag: W/"883112cb2ba78a99e4e562de2a6dd305" {...}
Ruby | mite.rb | Official Ruby library |
PHP | mite-php | by Jérôme Gamez |
PHP | MiteEleven | by SysEleven |
PHP | mite.php | by Thomas Klein |
PHP | Mitey | by Stefan Pasch |
TypeScript | mite-api-ts | by Dinomite Studios |
JavaScript | mite-api | by Marcel Meyer |
Objective-C | CocoaMite | by Heiko Dreyer |
.NET | mite.net | by Christoph Keller |
Java | mite-java | by Simon Martinelli |
Java | JMite | by Oliver Gierke |
Open source examples
Ruby | mitefred | Use a limited subset of mite with Alfred. By Karl Grasegger |
JavaScript | mite-cli | Simple commandline interface for mite. By Marcel Eichner |
Ruby | mite.cmd | A command line interface for mite. By Lukas Rieder & Felix Frank |
Ruby | git2mite | Writes git commit messages to mite. By Alexander Lang |
Python | Git-Hooks | Adds hooks to use mite with any git repository. By Thomas Spycher |
Ruby | Mantis2mite | Integrates mite with the project manager Redmine. By Thomas Klein |
Python | Trac2mite | Integrates mite with the bug tracker Trac. By Thomas Klein |
PHP | Mantis2mite | Integrates mite with the bug tracker Mantis. By Thomas Klein |
.NET | TrelloMite | Integrates mite with the ToDo manager Trello. By Hannes Sachsenhofer |
Ruby | CoReMite | A console reporter. By Christopher de Bruin |
XLST / Shell | miteXSLT | Transforms the mite.api output with XLST to create PDF-reports. By Michael Rall |
PHP | mite gSales importer | Import tracked time from projects in mite to the corresponding projects in gSales. By Freisicht |